I’m a big fan of the movie Blue Jay—in large part because it caught me completely by surprise. And also because I have a soft spot for early 90’s nostalgia, especially when it includes a reference to Toad the Wet Sprocket. I knew nothing of Blue Jay going in, except for who was in it. All two of them. Mark Duplass and Sarah Paulson. The problem is, by recommending the film in this context I’m actually doing it a disservice. I’m spoiling the third act by implication. But there’s nothing for it. It’s been more than a year since I first happened upon this low-budget masterpiece, and I still can't see a good way to proceed. Either I say nothing, and hope you discover it by accident, or I prime the pump and give away the climax.
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Abortion Insights from a Low-Budget…
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I’m a big fan of the movie Blue Jay—in large part because it caught me completely by surprise. And also because I have a soft spot for early 90’s nostalgia, especially when it includes a reference to Toad the Wet Sprocket. I knew nothing of Blue Jay going in, except for who was in it. All two of them. Mark Duplass and Sarah Paulson. The problem is, by recommending the film in this context I’m actually doing it a disservice. I’m spoiling the third act by implication. But there’s nothing for it. It’s been more than a year since I first happened upon this low-budget masterpiece, and I still can't see a good way to proceed. Either I say nothing, and hope you discover it by accident, or I prime the pump and give away the climax.