Until recently, almost no one gave credence to the idea that men could become women or women become men. And though the powers that be are suddenly doing their damndest to hoist this pretense upon us, it’s only the fringes of society that are willing to go along. For most of us, we look at mentally-unstable men taking up residence in women’s locker rooms, serving time in women’s prisons, breaking women’s athletic records, or trying to make infants suck their nipples, and we see it not as progress but degradation. Evil would be another word. But have you ever considered the role the birth control pill might be playing in all this gender confusion? I hadn’t, at least not until Jordan Peterson sat down with evolutionary psychologist Sarah Hill to talk about the pill’s rather staggering impact on the minds and bodies of women.
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Is the Birth Control Pill Turning Women into…
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Until recently, almost no one gave credence to the idea that men could become women or women become men. And though the powers that be are suddenly doing their damndest to hoist this pretense upon us, it’s only the fringes of society that are willing to go along. For most of us, we look at mentally-unstable men taking up residence in women’s locker rooms, serving time in women’s prisons, breaking women’s athletic records, or trying to make infants suck their nipples, and we see it not as progress but degradation. Evil would be another word. But have you ever considered the role the birth control pill might be playing in all this gender confusion? I hadn’t, at least not until Jordan Peterson sat down with evolutionary psychologist Sarah Hill to talk about the pill’s rather staggering impact on the minds and bodies of women.